
Leaked Pictures of the Real Apple Tablet?

Posted by | Posted on 12:03 PM

A UX designer named Dustin Curtis has posted photos of what he claims to be the real Apple Tablet sitting on top of a Macbook Pro. The images were posted on his Posterous blog.

While it's hard to debate over whether this is the real thing or not, here is what Dustin has to say about it:

I have reason to believe these are real, and that the person who took/released them purposefully manipulated the reflections to add doubt about their authenticity.

The photos, though quite realistic and appealing, still do not convince us into believing that it is the "real thing" by Apple. However, this could also be the photos of an early Apple Tablet prototype or probably Dustin had a lot of free time at hands to play with Photoshop and some 3D tools. Only a day more to go and we shall come to know all about it first-hand by Apple at the Special Event on Jan. 27 at the Yerba Buena Arts Center.

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